Cole, Alex, and Joe. They're kind of special.
Alex and Joe. Check out what's written on the board-
Holy Spirit - Hell
Remember God is watching! And laughing!
And me too!
Clare, Katie, Chrissy, and half of Caitlin
Top ten reasons to attend the dancathon
Me in "The Prom Dress from Hell"
Dancing to the Electric Slide
Alex and Trina, the tallest and shortest people in band
Allison, Becky and Me. We're cool.
Crazy Monster Under Weird Cloth Thingy trying to attack/kill/eat
This is the diagram Deez drew on the board so people would
leave room for the Holy Spirit during slow dances.
Becca, The Holy Spirit, and Caitlin
Alex, Caitlin, Trina and Shannon
Becky and Allison's beautiful socks
I have no idea what is going on in this picture....
Me and Caitlin being our awesome selves