1. You changed the routine last week, remember?
2. I'm not out of step, they are!
3. I forgot what number came after three.
4. But I thought you said only one more time!
5. I pulled a muscle.
6. I thought we were doing something else.
7. I knew what to do, I just wanted to make sure you knew.
8. You're counting too fast!
9. It wasn't me!
10. I hit myself in the head a few too many times.
11. I forgot my gloves and it's too weird.
12. I did it right, everyone else has it wrong!
13. I was just making sure you were paying attention.
14. A bee was about to chase me.
15. My flag got caught.
16. I meant to do that.
17. I didn't hit her, she got in my way!
18. The toss was perfect, the wind just messed it up. What do you mean it's not windy?
19. The voices in my head say not to.
20. You're just jealous of my awesomeness.
21. I thought some improvisation would make it a little more interesting.
22. My body doesn't bend that way!
23. I had a premonition that if I did it correctly, something very bad would happen.
24. My way is better.
25. She deserved it.
26. It's the flag's fault, it made me do it!
27. I didn't know it would break if I dropped it.
28. Hey, we never said we were GOOD!
29. I'm saving all my talent for the show.
30. I thought you meant my other left.
32. My rifle's having a bad day.
33. I swallowed my gum. I could die soon.
34. When you said DROP spin, I thought you meant...
35. I was too busy trying to come up with one for 31.
36. I was just showing *insert name* what not to do.
37. My sabre is bent.
38. The judge was looking at me.
39. My rifle's too heavy.
40. It's not my fault, my rifle has a mind of its own!
41. What do you mean that's not in the routine... Since when?
42. Oh, you meant that left.
43. My flag is ripped.
44. My pole is too big.
45. There's no tape on this flag.
46. My sabre is bent.
47. How am I supposed to toss and get through the saxophones at the same time?
48. It's the band's fault.
49. I swallowed a bug.
50. I stepped on my flag.
51. It's too muddy.
52. I broke a nail.
53. But I am in my spot!
54. You're just jealous because it looks cooler when I do it.
55. I was just experimenting.
56. Horizontal tosses make me look fat.
57. I would do it the way you tell me to, but that would mean giving in to peer pressure,
and my parents said not to do that.