Guard = Life

How to Annoy a Guardie

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Proof Clare Has Way Too Much Spare Time
Reasons to Attend the Danceathon
You Know You're in Colorguard If...
Band Geek Pickup Lines
You Know You're at Band Camp If...
Why Guard is Better than Sex
ABCs of Guard
How to Annoy a Guardie
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  1. Say, "I could do that."
  2. Ask, "aren't you those people who twirl stuff?"
  3. Ask, "can I play with your flag?"
  4. Take someone's rifle without asking (and for extra points, drop it!).
  5. Ask, "don't you guys feel stupid waving those flag things?"
  6. After explaining what guard is... "So that's what colorguard is. I always got the colorguard mixed up with the cheerleaders."
  7. "All you guys do is stand there waving your 'little flags!' " (Most of our poles are taller than you!)
  8. Say, "That looks easy."
  9. Try to make them break ranks.
  10. Four simple words: Guard Isn't A Sport.
  11. Say, "Don't hit me!" (Don't stand in our way and we won't!)
  12. Ask, "Is that heavy?"
  13. Scream their names as they walk by, knowing they're not allowed to acknowledge you.
  14. Yell at them afterwards for not saying hi to you.
  15. When you see a group of people carrying heavy flags and equipment, don't move out of the way.
  16. Ask, "Do you want to do something or do you have to do that spinny thing?"
  17. Complain when a guard member says he/she has to go to guard, even though you know how committed he/she is.

What have others done to annoy you? Tell Me!


Colorguard; For those who understand, no explanation needed. For those who don’t, no explanation possible.
Once a guardie, always a guardie!

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