We were practicing on a Monday night and took a water break, when we saw something
fall out of the sky. We went to check what it was, and we found a bat on the field. At first we thought it was dead, then
it moved. Then we realized there were actually two bats. Someone yelled, "They're mating!" and we laughed, thinking he was
joking, then we realized that the two bats really were having sex in the middle of our football field. Then Patsy came
over and poked them with a sabre and they flew away, right over Taylor's head, making her scream and making the
entire guard fall over laughing.
It was my rookie year. I don't remember which
town, since they all run together fairly quickly... But, we went on after one of those summer bands that took loads of crap
onto the field (AKA props). Normally that would not be a problem, but the field was soggy from a very heavy rain that afternoon.
After a tricky piece of movement I tripped in a flood gouge cut by one of the previous group's massive prop carts.
I didn't just fall- I SLID FIVE YARDS. From
the 45 ro the 50, about four steps from the sideline. The audience, all five thousand of them, wen OOOOOH! I was mortified.
I was out spinning my rifle in a skirt, and
my neighbor Chris and his little brother Kyle were out watching me. Well, the rifle got caught on my skirt and it went up,
so Chris and Kyle saw my underwear.
For language arts class,
my teacher wanted us to do a demonstrative speech. Emily and Caitlin immediately called sabre and rifle, so I was content
to demonstrate how to do flag. I decided on the toss sequence; simple, but effective. On the day I was supposed to
do my presentation, it was extremely windy, and I was a bit nervous. I explained to my audience that it's hard to do colorguard
in the wind, so I hoped that would be a good excuse. First I taught all the tosses: crank, flat, and aerial. Then I showed
it all together. I didn't ever get my first crank toss, and I caught it in my arms, holding it to me to keep from dropping
it. Unfortunately, the wind had lifted up my skirt, and my flag kept it from going back down. Everyone had to comment on how
wonderful it was that my red shorts matched my red flag. It was sooooo embarrasing!
~Becca with the red shorts
My color guard
was having new uniforms made and they were unfortunately not available for our first game, so we resorted to white turtle
necks and last year's black pants. And, you guessed it, it rained. Actually rain isn't the word. It poured buckets down on
us and the wind got so bad and then it started to lightning and they had to cancel the rest of the game. While we were waiting
for things to get loaded up they stuck the guard in the rival team's locker room WITH the football player from the other team.
Well everyone knows what happens to white when it gets wet, and needless to say the boys got a good look.
We were at our annual exhibition when one of
the boys in our percussion line's cummerbun and suspenders came off and his uniform's pants started to come off as well. The
people in the stands got it all on tape. The funniest part of the whole thing is he never stopped, he just let them fall around
his ankles. We are still laughing about it to this day.
It was 5 days until Christmas. I
had a full day of school followed by a Holiday performance with my Jazz Combo that afternoon at a local hospital. Guard
practice started at 7 and ran until 9. We were just doing run throughs, and by 8:45, I was pretty tired. We
had one part where we got down on our knees and did a parallel toss. Normally, this would have been fine, but this
one time, I knelt back. It came down too fast, and my body was at a weird angle to catch it, and it hit me square in
the mouth. Needless to say, all I wanted for Christmas were my three front teeth.
For the last bit of our winter guard show we
were in a 5 by 5 block and we were supposed to toss our flag over our head to the person behind
us and start dancing to create a ripple effect. This was supposed to continue until all the flags were gone. Well, we had
only practiced this once before the show and needless to say I was a little nervous. So it's our first show and it's my turn
to toss a flag. And I launch it. Cat (the girl behind me) had to jump to catch it (or so I was told). On the judges tape at
that part you can hear him say, "Amazing catch, but we need to learn to control our tosses!"
I got up and was home alone, my parents at work
and my sisters gone. I signed on instant messenger, then decided to go outside and practice my rifle. I tried to do a double
then *KURSPLATT!!* more like crunch really, and my rifle was broken. Then I go inside and get on instant messenger again and
Hayley happened to be on. I said to her, "Hayley my rifle is broken and I don't know what to do." On Wednesday I went
up to Patsy, our instructor, and told her I broke my rifle and she said to show it to her. I get it out and she gives
me a hard time then gives me a new rifle. It was kind of funny but now I laugh!
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